The chemical compound Magnesium chloride has the formula MgCl2 and its hydrates have the formula MgCl2(H2O). Mass-wise, anhydrous MgCl2 contains 25.5% elemental magnesium. It is a typical ionic halide, highly soluble in water. A small amount of magnesium chloride is derived from solar evaporation of seawater.
Technical Specifications:
How does it work
Among its 300 biochemical functions, it regulates blood glucose levels, blood pressure levels, as well as muscles and nerve activity. DNA, protein, and bone mineral are all produced by this compound.
Applications Or where it is used:
Mineral supplements such as this are used to prevent and treat low levels of magnesium in the blood. There are also brands that treat symptoms of excess stomach acid like stomach upset and heartburn.
Manufacturing process:
Separating magnesium from seawater is a common way to make pure magnesium. It is a process known as electrolysis. Ingots are formed from the liquid magnesium that is formed. Hydrochloric acid is formed from recycled chlorine gas to make more magnesium chloride.
How to use:
Supplementing with magnesium with a meal is recommended to prevent stomach upset and diarrhea, unless otherwise directed by your doctor. It is recommended that you take each dose with a glass of water.
Dosage of usage:
Side effect
Warnings and precautions while using this product: